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The Mills Fabrica
Events at this venue
Jockey Club AI Community Innovation Programme – Showcase Day
The Mills Fabrica 4/F, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong KongAI is impacting different aspects of our lives every day, from creative industry to education and even our future. To learn more about AI and how it affects us, join one of our upcoming sharing sessions!
Technovation Girl | Technovation HK Workshop & Consultation 工作坊及諮詢
The Mills Fabrica 4/F, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong創意發想、構思商業模式、準備演講內容是參加 Technovation Girl 和 Technovation HK 比賽需要經歷的3個階段。學會提出創新想法,然後將這些想法轉化為可行的商業模式,並通過引人入勝的演講獲得人們的關注,亦有利未來升學及就業。